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Resource Library

This page provides useful resources including local and national research documents, statistics and policy papers affecting LGBT people.


Legislation affecting LGBT people - BME PROUD's summary guide


Beyond Tolerance - Making sexual orientation a public matter (Equality & Human Rights Commission)


Different Families - The experience of children with lesbian and gay parents (Stonewall)


Experiences of and barriers to participation in public and political life for LGBT people (Office for Public Management)


How to support your lesbian and gay employees (Stonewall)


Leagues Behind - Football's failure to tackle anti-gay abuse (Stonewall)


Living Together - British attitudes to lesbian and gay employees (Stonewall)


Love Thy Neighbour - What people of faith really think about homosexuality (Stonewall)


Out about Town - Survey of the needs of LGBT people in Luton 2003/4 (Luton LGBT Steering Group)


What is a Forced Marriage? (Forced Marriages Unit - FCO)




Books of interest


Homosexuality in Islam by Scott Siraj-ul-Haqq Kugle


'A tour-de-force. Presents tricky problems in a straightforward way, without either intimidating readers or dumbing down the analysis. Brings crucial strands of the Muslim intellectual tradition into dialogue with today's pressing questions about ethics and justice.' --Kecia Ali, Assistant Professor of Religion at Boston University and author of Sexual Ethics and Islam
'It is high time this issue was brought out of the closet once and for all, and afforded a frank and honest discussion. Brian Whitaker's humane, sophisticated, and deeply rewarding book, Unspeakable Love, does exactly that.' Ali Al-Ahmed, Director of the Gulf Institute